
web3.0是什- 爬墙专用加速器

Thursday, July 9, 3:30 p.m., Free & Open to the Public via Zoom


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The Elm City Webmakers met as part of the Center for Adaptive Learning #Tech4teens camp. We had participants from all over the globe. Today we decided to open the doorway and peak at the code that makes website happen. The class began with a review of our expectations of conduct. We will work on a…


Elm City Webmakers Meet to Build Digital Literacies

Starting this Monday, February 3rd the Elm City Webmakers will meet at Concepts for Adaptive Learning, 5 Science Park #Suite 2C, New Haven, Connecticut to tell their story while building critical digital literacies skills. This event, open to all ages over 13, begins at 3:30 and will wrap up at 5:30. Normally scheduled the first…

Reading Instruction and Interventions in School: Science, Policy, and Practice

On Oct. 24, the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven collaborated with the New Haven Free Public Library on a forum that the Public Library hosted on “Reading Instruction and Interventions in School: Science, Policy, and Practice” (which followed by a decade a Literacy Forum that had featured Margie Gillis on teachers and reading research).…

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